, pub-4938669805209700, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 J's Memory: Excel shortcut (very useful)

2018. 10. 2.

Excel shortcut (very useful)

high frequency EXCEL shortcut on work.

if you want learn more shortcut, you should start from using excel 2003 ver (under & include). because there's

ENTER : cell move down (1 cell)
SHIFT + ENTER : cell move up (1 cell)

Arrow keys + CTRL : move to find last text
CTRL + "A" : select all (if there's table, will select that area first)

Alt + H + (F + S) : change the font size
Alt + H + (F + F) : change the font

Alt + H + (B + A) : make table line (All lines)

will update later

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